Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Once inside, they multiply and begin ...

If we asked you to think of the ten most "unusual" ways to die, carnivorous bacteria probably will not make your list. It certainly did not do ours! But it looks like a terrible time, provided that medically known as necrotizing fastsyyt, more common than we think. According, 9000 to 11,500 people a year are diagnosed with invasive group A streptococcal infection. Infected and 800 die each year from necrotic fastsyyt. According to WebMD, one of every four people who get the infection die from it. Necrotizing fastsyyt usually caused by cheap strattera group A streptococcus bacteria, mostly

culture media for bacteria

Streptococcus pyogenes, and sometimes methicillin-resistant staphylococcus gold (MRSA). The bacteria usually enter the body through a cut or wound. Once inside, they begin to multiply and produce toxin that kills muscle, fat and skin tissue. Wounds begins as small red punch, but it quickly progresses to purple or bronze-colored spot with black center. Soon the skin may break down and begin to bleed. If treatment does not work quickly, can cause death within just a few days. Necrotizing fastsyyt treated with antibiotics, and affected body parts may require skin grafts, removal of affected tissue, and sometimes amputation. The most important aspect of treatment of this infection is early detection and treatment. When the infection is advanced, the victim may suffer a sharp drop in blood pressure, unconsciousness, shock and possible death. According to (NNFF), the following symptoms to watch for if you think you may be infected. Flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, fever, confusion and weakness >> << If this list does not give jitters, nothing will. The best way to reduce the likelihood of infection by proper personal hygiene. Clean the cut or scrape well and use antibiotic ointment with a group of assistants. Wash your hands frequently and use antibacterial soap. If you're intrigued and want to know more, you will find some amazing history and dedication to survive. .

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